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Metabolic Mgmt.



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The Tuesday Minute
Nutrition... one byte at a time
brought to you by
Joe Buishas, LDN, CCN

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Metabolic Management 800-373-1373



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Mail: you might be interested in this&body=I'm getting this weekly nutritional VIDEO from my Biotics distributor and I thought you might be interested, check it out. Click on the link that follows. Let me know what you think.  Once you get to the web site, click on the link at the top that says 'sign-up' if you want to start getting these once a week, you can always cancel later... and its free.


Tuesday Minute Transcript Thyroid Clinical Pearls.pdf

Thyroid Summary Sheet

Thyroid Evaluation Summary Sheet - Part 3.pdf

Aches & pains exacerbated during treatment if patient is calcium or magnesium insufficient, Multi-Mins (iron

& copper free).

Sleep apnea & elevated honocysteine may be thyroid related, check thyroid function.

There is a strong correlation between thyroid hypofunction & increased homocysteine levels, Bio-B Complex

& Beta-TCP.

Meda-Stim assists T-4 to T-3 conversion.

Cellular resistance to T-3, Nuclezyme-

Forte or Bio-GGG-B.

A detox program  re-sensitizes the receptor sites & thyroid hormones work better.

Thyroid Clinical Pearls

Product Info/Order

Thyroid Malfunctions

Tuesday Minute



Tuesday Minute