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Metabolic Mgmt.



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The Tuesday Minute
Nutrition... one byte at a time
brought to you by
Joe Buishas, LDN, CCN

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Metabolic Management 800-373-1373



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Find a base that you like i.e. NutriClear, Isolated Whey or Rice Protein Concentrate, NitroGreens, Potassium-HP with magnesium.

For creamier mixture blend longer - May also add a handful of raw almonds or cashews, organic coconut milk or ¼ avocado.

Use organic fruit fresh or frozen if possible.

Fibers are suggested but not necessary i.e. chia seeds (grinding not needed) or flax seeds (grind fresh daily).

Essential Fatty Acids i.e. Biomega-3 Liquid, Optimal EFAs, Mixed EFAs or Sesame Seed Oil; start with a teaspoon, work up to tablespoon.

Protein Shakes

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Protein Shake


Protein Detox Shake Recipes.pdf


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