The Tuesday Minute
Nutrition... one byte at a time
Joe Buishas, LDN, CCN
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Tuesday Minute Transcript Assess & Enhance Kidneys 2.pdf


Order & Info

Enhancing Kidney Function

CoQ-Zyme 100 Plus™ Pre-emulsified to raise blood levels much quicker than dry forms & has cofactors needed for the Krebs cycle efficiency.

Nephra-Zyme™ Provides antioxidants & botanical agents that help cut through mucus that often makes nephrons less effective.

Cytozyme-KD™ 1-3 days old neonatal kidney tissue, richest source of DNA & RNA.

Argizyme™ Provides antioxidants, organic beet culture, neonatal liver concentrate & Tillandsia.

Gammanole Forte™ with FRAC®  Promotes lean muscle - provides a fat soluble antioxidant.

Alkalize body chemistry to improve healing.

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Support &

Lab Values

Kidney Support, Lab Review & Urine pH Readings.pdf

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Tuesday Minute