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The Tuesday Minute
Nutrition... one byte at a time
Joe Buishas, LDN, CCN
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Mail: you might be interested in this&body=I'm getting this weekly nutritional VIDEO from my Biotics distributor and I thought you might be interested, check it out. Click on the link that follows. Let me know what you think.   Once you get to the web site, click on the link at the top that says 'sign-up' if you want to start getting these once a week, you can always cancel later... and its free.

•  The higher the dose of fish  oil, the

lower the inflammation markers.

•  Increased doses of omega-3 fatty

acids result in less pain.

•  Higher doses of fish oil result in less death from cardiovascular disease & up

to 62% lower risk of fatal heart attack.

•  Cardiac patients with higher fish oil consumption had best telomere protection.

Therapeutic considerations when using high doses, confirm purity of fish oil & assess digestion.

Biomega-3 Liquid & Caps, Optimal EFAs Liquid & Caps and EFA-Sirt Supreme.


Tuesday Minute Transcript High Dose Fish Oil Value.pdf High Dose Fish Oils

Fish Oils &


Heart Risk

Reduced 62%

Fish Oils & Pain

Fish Oils &


Tuesday Minute video