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The Tuesday Minute
Nutrition... one byte at a time
Joe Buishas, LDN, CCN
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Cultivating The Right Bacteria

Pain, many of the ‘itises’, autoimmunity, allergy, even cancer can be affected by, even initiated by, the microorganisms in our body.

Cultivating the right probiotics is paramount for any chronic unresponsive disease or any longevity wellness plan.

Biotics makes three different probiotics: Lactozyme, BioDophilus-FOS in capsules or powder and BioDoph-7 Plus.

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Tuesday Minute video


Tuesday Minute Transcript Cultivating Probiotics.pdf

Product Info/Order

Probiotics Proliferation

Considerations to Create Healthy Probiotics.pdf Products, Dosing & Cultivation

Bacteria & Obesity

The ISME Journal (2013)

Mammalian Immune System

Probiotics Nature - Sparks.pdf Nature Reviews/Immunology