The Tuesday Minute
Nutrition... one byte at a time
Joe Buishas, LDN, CCN
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

High Fructose Corn Syrup

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Tuesday Minute Transcript Adrenals 2.pdf Previous issues
Today’s links

Product Info/Order

Tests & Therapy

Adrenal Tests & Therapy.pdf When Addressing The Thyroid 
Check The Adrenals

Adrenals may be reset by using adaptogenic botanicals like Biotics’ ADHS®.

(For more information see tests & therapy link below)

To Start Adrenal Health Assessment

Have patient fill out brief questionnaire

Evaluate score, if high

 •  Do in-office testing

 •  Begin therapeutic trial using sugar control

     diet & supplementation like ADHS®

Adrenal Webinar

Click Here To View Recorded Webinar

Great Lung
