The Tuesday Minute
Nutrition... one byte at a time
Joe Buishas, LDN, CCN
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Tuesday Minute Transcript Adequate CO2-2.pdf Previous issues
Today’s links

Range Of Motion

Great Way To

Go “Green”

A Simple In-Office CO2 Test

Functional CO2 deficits are indicated when rebreathing into a paper bag 7 or 8 times increases range of motion & decreases level of pain

Rebreathing only causes a temporary increase in CO2 blood titers.

Tasting nutrients that facilitate the citric acid cycle & electron transport chain can increase body’s ability to make carbon dioxide.

Fixing CO2 problem & increasing carbonic anhydrase & natural buffers restores the body’s ability to fix itself.

Product Info/Order

Increase CO2

Blood Titers

Increase CO2 Blood Titers-Biotics.pdf Tuesday Minute